You are on your way to taking your business to the next level!

There's one more thing to do...

Over 50% of business don't make it to 5 years

Many business owners are frustrated because they are not getting results. There is so much information about how to start or run a business that it's overwhelming and they are puzzled as to how to apply this information directly to their business. With limited time and money, how do they get the biggest bang for their buck? They are simply overwhelmed!

If this sounds like you, then you are in the right place. We solve this!

Nicki Chang-Powless, the founder of NCP Consulting, left the corporate world in 2014 and soon found that her 23 years of business experience in sales, marketing, operations and senior management was not common knowledge among small businesses and startups. When she found out that over 50% of business don't successfully make it to 5 years, it became her mission to create effective programs to give quick results.

What to expect?

In the Breakthrough Business Strategy Session, our team will show you how to move your business to the next level. We will:

* Review your current situation 

* Understand your business challenges

* Identify your potential next steps to uplevel your business!

The Breakthrough Business Strategy Session is valued at $500 USD and is available once per company.

Ready to move ahead?